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Community Highlights: Meet Lisa Thornton of Dunamis Health Care Academy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Thornton

Hi Lisa, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
My story began with my desire to work in the medical field as a child, but something I said I would never become was a teacher.
I got a temporary position working for South college as a CNA (certified nursing assistant) instructor for a person that was out on paternity leave. I was not very enthused, but I thought I might try it for a change. That was the beginning of my love affair with teaching. As I begin to teach and the light would come on, that is how I explain it when a student finally understands a concept, It would be a feeling of euphoria. It happened again and again and realized I loved teaching. I began to work with Dominion health Care Solutions as an instructor. Over the years I went back to school to obtain my Rn and masters degree in education. One day out of the blue, after I had just had a conversation with my mom, i received
a call from Dominion and she explained they were coming out of business and would I be interested in starting a CNA school. I was so elated I told her I would pray about it and get back with them. After praying and getting some advice I went for the opportunity of a lifetime. I did not have a grant or loans so i finances the program out of pocket. It took blood sweat and many tears. My mom was my biggest cheerleader. The saddest thing is she passed in 2021 and never got to see the end of the process. In January 2022 Dunamis Health Care Academy was finally birthed.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No, it has not been a smooth road. Financing a business without any help as well as doing all the necessary business paperwork is not easy. Writing lesson plans for each subject day and night classes and making sure I met all state guidelines was a long and tedious journey. I did not realize out much went into developing a new program. My back bone was Mrs McFarland. I would call her and ask a million questions and she always answered. I appreciate her patience and all of her help

We’ve been impressed with Dunamis Health Care Academy , but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
We are a 5 week CNA program(certified nursing assistant school). We endeavor to educate and give students the resources and tools necessary to become financially independent and be a help to the community. In a short period of time. We are known for our hands on approach. Many programs are internet based, but we give the opportunity to show students hands on how to perform task. We make ourselves available for questions and prepare them for state exam by doing tests prep free . We also partner with Royce learning center. Royce makes themselves available to give instruction on different learning styles and make students aware and how to effectively use that style to optimize their study and learning techniques. We also partner with EOA, who occasionally gives grants to qualified individuals. We also partner with Savannah Baptist Center. Students have the opportunity to apply for resources such as food and clothing if needed.
We believe in holistic care. If you are hungry how can you learn. If sometimes the basic needs are not met it is hard to focus. We endeavor to help change lives in a short period of time. I have a saying ” time is going to pass rather you do something or nothing, so you might as well do something.”

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