Today we’d like to introduce you to Daisy Jones.
Hi Daisy, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
Some of my friends describe me as a high-energy-extra-overachiever. I don’t know about that, but I’m very much excited about where I am today. I’m grateful to God for everything. Lately, I’m thrilled to have published my first book, Private Lessons. Private Battles which is one of the greatest challenges and greatest rewards of my life. You may think that’s a pretty extreme statement because I served 20 years on active duty in the U.S. Army and retired in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
I graduated from Florida A&M University with a degree in broadcast journalism, minoring in political science, and I reported to officer basic training in Maryland three days later. Yesss…no time to get off track. Celebrate but move on was what I did!
How I started has had an enormous impact on where I am today, and the in-between times are filled with people who inspired me.
I’ve worked for local, state, and federal government entities; owned three businesses; coached and mentored people in starting and managing businesses and nonprofits; released a gospel CD; hosted conferences and events and volunteered in a variety of capacities.
I’m driven by a deep passion to fulfill my purpose in the earth through service, creativity, innovation, hard work, faith, and prayer. I love to see people learn, have moments of clarity, and fulfill their own purpose.
I enjoy traveling, reading, learning, and all things family and friends.
My book launches a deeper conversation about wellness, self-awareness, and personal growth. It initiates a journey behind the curtains of all things personal and private. After reading it, you will have a deeper awareness and richer moments in life.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Smooth? Maybe not smooth, but everything on my journey seems organic, and I’m learning from every mistake and success. The military gave me breadth and width, and I’m very adaptive and accustomed to difficulties and new assignments.
Finishing my latest book was not ‘smooth.’. It was downright difficult and challenging. I struggled to find and clarify my voice to write from a pure and authentic place for my readers. Although I’d served as a public affairs officer, speech writer, and news writer, this book presents a very private concept that each reader will experience in an intimate way. The message becomes clearer and clearer as you read it, and consequently you become stronger and more self-aware. I’ve heard readers describe my book as ‘riveting, gripping, off-the-chain, and brilliant.’
It was very challenging for me to write, but I learned from it, and I’m stronger. Inner strength and wellness are becoming a priority in our lives as they should be. Unfortunately, too late for some. Life is a gift, and it has struggles along the way. Each of us struggles within and without at times. As we navigate life, we struggle internally with ourselves and sometimes externally. We need inner strength and wellness. My book presents this in a unique way—you will laugh, cry, and think.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
What I’m most known for? I’m known for a lot of things. I’ve worn a lot of hats and still wear a few. What’s important to me is to labor over what matters. I’m known for being a resourceful person, my work with nonprofits, helping the homeless and formerly incarcerated people, and being a community-minded person.
I’m focused on helping people. That can be by sharing what I have, giving to my church and charities, using my hands and my voice, using my radio show and other platforms, and helping people through my writing. I’ve learned that being open to helping others always bring the opportunity.
I am most proud of? I don’t have one single thing, but I am proud to be a trailblazer and a finisher… someone who finishes what I start. I am most proud that God has given me opportunities and that I try to make the most of them.
I am proud of several ideas I’ve had for community uplift over the years that actually helped a countless number of people. I am proud to have hosted several ‘firsts’ and being a trailblazer: The Alliance of Administrators Conference, 2006-2015; GA Press Association Award, 2007, Coastal Courier; Community of Inspired Women monthly empowerment sessions, Liberty County Performing Arts Center, 2014-2016; SOAR Reentry Center, 2016-Present; Tied to Success Empowerment for Males 10 and older, I founded this initiative while working for the City of Hinesville, 2010-2015; I hosted the Authors, Artists, Poets,& Creatives Festival, October 8, 2022, which was the first of its kind in our area. That brought together about 1,500 people to Bryant Commons Park in Hinesville.
I’m a dreamer and a builder, and I get joy from seeing people come together.
What I do?
-I host a weekly talk radio show (it’s been almost seven years) on Gospel 94.9 FM and 106.3 FM The Sparrow, I started in 2016, and the show is similarly to Voyage’s mission; I have interesting conversations with interesting people who have interesting things to say. My show is all about inspiration, information, empowerment, and celebrating the power of conversations. When we talk to each other we learn, we’re inspired, and we communicate in the most basic ways that connect us.
-I’m working on two other books that I will publish in 2023;
-I serve with an amazing team in a nonprofit that helps formerly incarcerated people. We’re a grassroots nonprofit that started in 2012, and we opened the SOAR Re-Entry Center in 2016.
-I help small business and nonprofits with strategic planning, strategy, and management
-I speak at conferences, workshops, and meetings to empower people. My talks and workshops focus on self-development, self-awareness, improving systems, self-management, leadership, management, and strategy.
It may seem like a lot, but everything is interrelated and produce synergy for each other.
If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
My definition of success is completing what I start—regardless of the size of the task.
Success requires preparation, focus, initiative, emotional intelligence, optimism, self-management, and faith.
The most essential quality is faith in God. Faith gets you to and gets you through. With faith comes a whole load of everything else you need.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: conversationswithdaisyjones
- Facebook: convoswithdaisy